Internal Complaints committee (ICC) at GPERI

ICC has following to see:
  • To monitor, prevent, redressal of sexual harassment of women at workplace/study.
  • To provide a forum for women on the campus to share if any such case is with them.
  • To facilitate a gender-sensitive and congenial working environment so that all women at campus, are not subjected to gender specific discrimination or sexual harassment.
  • To organize various types of training programmes & create awareness for skill developments under self-employment schemes for women.
  • Any such harassment results in violation of the fundamental rights of gender equality and the right to life and liberty. It is a clear violation of the rights under Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Constitution.
  • In this kind of case, the person concerned can personally approach / telephone / write / e-mail to any member of ICC at GPERI. The name of the complainant will be kept CONFIDENTIAL if required.
Details of Women Development Cell at GPERI
Name Designation Position E-mail
Prof. Hemal Patel Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Co-ordinator
Mrs. Priyanka Suthar Lab Assistant in Civil Engineering Member Internal

If any such complaint is received, ICC has following tasks to do.

  • To confirm that appropriate action is taken against the offender.
  • To ensure that victims and witnesses are not victimized or discriminated because of their complaint.
  • To take proactive measures towards sensitization of GPERI community on gender issues so that GPERI campus is an excellent work place/study place for all.