Dr. Lavkumar Kaushik

Designation : Assistant Professor
Experience : 2 Years 5 Months
Educational Qualification: Post Doc, PhD, M.Tech (Thermal Systems Design)
Specialization : Advanced thermodynamics and porous media combustion; Rural energy sources and systems for their utilization; Energy policy and planning; Solar thermal energy; Bio-energy; Waste management
Email : lavkumar.kaushik@gtu.edu.in
Social Media :
Research Paper
    • Kaushik LK, Muthukumar P. Life cycle Assessment (LCA) and Techno-economic Assessment (TEA) of medium scale (5-10 kW) LPG cooking stove with two-layer porous radiant burner. Applied Thermal Engineering, 133 (2018) 316-326.
    • Kaushik LK, Muthukmar P. Thermal and Economic Performance Assessments of Waste Cooking Oil
    • Kerosene blend Operated Pressure Cook-stove with Porous Radiant Burner. Energy, 118102, 2020
    • Lav Kumar Kaushik, Arun Kumar Mahalingam, Muthukumar Palanisamy Performance analysis of a biogas operated porous radiant burner for domestic cooking application, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2020), 1-10.
    • Sunita Deb, Lav Kumar Kaushik, Arun Kumar Mahalingam, Palanisamy Muthukumar. Performance Characterization of a Cluster Porous Radiant Burner for Clean and Efficient LPG Combustion. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 81 (2020), 361-366.
    • L K Kaushik, S Deb and P Muthukumar. Energy Saving and Techno-economic Assessment of Self Aspirated Domestic LPG Stove with Porous Radiant Burner. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 377, (2018) 012194.
    • Kaushik LK, Muthukmar P. Performance Assessment of a Porous Radiant Cook Stove Fueled with Blend of Waste Vegetable Oil (WVO) and Kerosene. Energy Procedia, 158 (2019) 2391-2396.
    • Sunita Deb, L.K. Kaushik, M. Arun Kumar S.H.V. Satish, P. Muthukumar Clustered Porous Radiant Burner: A cleaner alternative for cooking systems in small and medium scale Applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 308 (2021), 127276.
    • P Maurya, M Palanisamy, AK Mahalingam, LK Kaushik, A Ramalingam. Performance, economic and pilot studies on canister-based methanol stove for household cooking application. Energy for Sustainable Development, 66 (2022) 117-124.
    • Arun Kumar Mahalingam, Sofia Rani Shaik, Lav Kumar Kaushik, Muthukumar Palanisamy, Pratul Chandra Kalita. Design and Life Cycle Assessment of small-scale medical waste incinerator equipped with Porous Radiant Burner for remote areas. Indian Chemical Engineer, (2022)
    • Muthukumar P., Kaushik LK., Devi S., Arun Kumar M. Biogas operated domestic cook stove with naturally aspirated porous radiant burner. (201931051927).
    • Muthukumar P, Sinha GS, Kaushik LK, Sharma M, Priya NS, Kanagaraj S. Self- Aspirated Pressurized Kerosene Cooking Stove with a Porous Radiant Burner with Nanoparticles blended. (201831003156)
    • Muthukumar P., Kaushik LK. Energy efficient and eco-friendly domestic LPG cooking stove with a two layer Porous radiant burner. (202031009356)
    • Muthukumar P., Kaushik LK., Arun Kumar M. Eco-friendly and energy-efficient LPG cooking stove with naturally aspirated Porous radiant burner for commercial kitchens. (202031009304)
    • Member of Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE).
    • Energy Swaraj Warrior of Energy Swaraj Movement, Energy Swaraj Foundation (Warrior Code: ESWGJ05, Level: 2).